Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I guess people who have my FB already know what's happening in my life right this second. My former lecturer, Mr Alan asked me to keep a journal so I could remember this moment years later, when I want to tell my children about it, so here I am, writing a journal (more like a public one).

What happened? I just won the biggest prize I ever won in my life (I mean in a competition). I've entered a competition , Maxis Biggest Fan during the World Cup season, where you have to submit either picture or video that showed you're a big football fan.

So having quite an ample time (as I about to leave my former job), I've asked around for ideas. My former colleague helped tremendously with the ideas and I also got them to do the first part of my video. Thanks guys, you guys were the best colleague ever! Haha.

Then, I figured why don't I asked (more like forced) my happening cousins to dance Waka-Waka as it represented the World Cup? Thank god there was a reunion and I've got one shot to make them do it (Altho it's flawed, but it was still awesome). I'm lucky to have a family who were not shy.LOL. Love you guys!!!

I submitted my video with just a tiny weeny hope of winning. I never win a big contest before so I won't get my hopes high. By the way, the prize is meeting Lionel Messi in Barcelona, Spain for two.

Ramadhan is indeed a blessed month. I thank Allah for giving me the best gift so far. 

And the following is a video done by an amateur (I learnt how to use Vegas Pro in one night) so it's definitely flawed, but filled with the things I love the most : football, family and friends.

I am now planning excitedly for the trip and if anyone want me to say anything to Lionel Andres Messi, just tell me!It's not everyday you get to meet the best footballer in today's world. No puedo esperar a verte Messi!

Just to quote his Adidas advertisement:

"Impossible is Nothing".


Hani said...



Raieza Hanim R said...

omg so proud of you =)
and all green with envy too at the same time.


go have fun.
you so deserve it.

aween mokhtar said...

Thanks girls!

It's surreal, really.

I'm touched!:)

Anonymous said...

wow. congrats! :D nice video btw, so yeah -- you deserved it!

p/s: and my word verification is nomen? NO MEN? HAHAHAHA. go gurl!

RS. said...

i've read this as soon as u post it.. bt i can digest it.
its TOO hard to believe!!!
and yes I AM JEALOUSSSS.. hahaha

aween mokhtar said...

Re-arrange : Haven't heard from u in a while.Thanks!And I don't decide what the word verification is :P

Raja: It takes me a while to digest to. Haha. Ill be jealous of ppl who win it (if it's nt me.LOL). Thanks! :D