I’m sick today. I’ve been unwell since the weekend started. Resulted in me missing wedding and any opportunity to go out. Being sick sucks. But maybe it’ll get my body to be better immunized for weeks to come, and for me not to fall sick on times where I CAN’T be sick.
I just want to reminisce the good times that happened recently. My cousins had a double wedding, which was the first among the cousins and it went well. Then, there’s my brother in law’s wedding (to my sis that is) which was a carnival, with wayang kulit, dikir barat, silat etc. It’ll be hard to top that Abang Ngah! Not Fair! Haha.
So many weddings this year, I keep getting ‘you-are-next’ hints from people. Just because my boyfriend is a bit old (lol ;p) and we seem serious (we are) so I think I will keep getting that until the day I really am getting married. Suddenly, from being involved in all these weddings, triggered something I never bother about before: What is my dream wedding? I always joke around and say I want to get married on the beach, with only nearest and dearest (not really original, but oceans have always been my favoritest place on earth) but I doubt the family will approve. Then, I figure, just do double or triple wedding in a nice hall, without having to bekerja keras for the preparation, with that, I can save money, time and energy. But my cousin says the weeks that we’ve worked together was something fun and would make the wedding more memorable.
Thus, I can’t define what my dream wedding is. Yet. What’s yours? I could start thinking when someone actually wants to marry me. (Is this a hint? Haha)
P/S: My sis dream wedding is on a cruise, so I hope it could come true because it would be wickedly awesome :p.
New Year?
1 month ago
Mena pun nak on a cruise and she said only relatives allowed..x aci! But we insisted to sneak aboard. Haha
Mine? Can't tell. You'd have to come tengok sendiri..haha berangan~
woww ade wayang kulit sume ke. never been to that kind of wedding. macam bes gile!
pls do a carnival wedding jugak zainur. so i can party all day n night.
alamak. tguna org lain nye account kat comp uni ni. ahaha
atas tu was me btw. :D
Hai...dh ckp psl kawen2 dh nih. xlame nih. adoiii
aku nye wedding ko dh tau cane kn. so xyah la nk decribe. 1 thing aku xske psl double wedding tu adalah kte kena share the momment. what if klo org tu lagi havoc dr kte, lg kool dgn kwn2 yg ramai dtg, mesti ko akan rasa down hehee
blogspottt sucksss..
(due to deleted comments before(twice!)
Can u guys kawen cepatt..I cant wait!
kalaulah saya kaya raya, karnival 7hari 7 malam pn bley :p
haha...best2..b'angan2 psl kawen~
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