Sunday, March 7, 2010

One Can Tango by Thyself.

Today I feel like talking about relationship.

Okay, that is too general; it’s the relationship between men and women.
More specific? Well, I feel like writing down on the most chaotic but greatest relationship of people who are presumed to be in love.

If I’ll start with definition of love I’ll don’t think it will end. It’s cliché anyway.

So, I’ll jump straight to why this kind of relationship is so hazardous.
A wise friend of mine said the brain works well 365 days, 24 hour a day until the day we fall in love.

Why does love has to be so complicated? So messed up with all the dramas and emotional rollercoaster? If I know the answer I won’t be writing this in the middle of the night.

From my neither so narrow nor open view, this is because we human being are never contented with what we have. Like when you are rich you want to be richer; when you are pretty, you want to undergo a nose job because it’s asymmetrical. So when you are in a relationship, when everything is supposedly running smoothly, subconsciously your mind is telling you it’s not the right state to be in. You have to create something out of the ordinary and dull relationship state. Hence the fights that comes from the stupidest reasons.

Yes, of all these has been depicted in movies, songs, poetries etc. This has led to only 2 probable outcomes: Heartbreaks or Happily As Long As You Can (Ever After is extinct people!).

How do you choose? Sometimes, when you love someone, you have to love their flaws too. If you can’t, then it’s never meant to be.

In the end, only God knows what’s best for you.

Still I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind…


Merissa K. said...

but its true la kan? i personally think im addicted to the drama! so mcm kalau everything is all smooth, rasa tak puas hati so sengaja cari pasal.

which is Bodoh with a capital B sebenarnya. haha.

Unknown said...

Haha. tulah.
Well, a drama with a happy ending okla kan.
I just hope we cn learn frm our stupidity ;)

Anonymous said...

mak cik....asl post cm gloomy semcm je ni....?kalo ade ape2, dont forget your frens sume ade...dekat2 je sume....hehehe~