Time really flies. Like literally because flying is one of the fastest way to get to places and boom, you're already in the end of first quarter of 2013.
Yes, so many things occurred in the world nowadays. Social Media has never been so imperatives for people to voice out opinions (albeit some of them are blindly done based on emotions or lack of truth) of the current issues. It's ironic when internet should make our lives easier but having too many school of thoughts nowadays make it time consuming to weed the right information to receive.
I still pray everyday for world peace though. God is listening :).
In personal life context, I have a confession to make. I was going through a dark time and getting through the days had not always been a pleasure. I didn't want to appear to be weak to others but I learnt throughout these times that expressing my emotions are my way of dealing with negative feelings. I've been reading a book titled "Happiness in Hard Times" (I know it sounds too literal) but the book was/is what I need at the moment. It tells you to accept all your flaws and your hardships and change the way you think about them. Anything that is beyond your control is not worthy to consume all your time and emotions dwelling in them. And reading other examples of people harder times made me realize that God still loves me and knows my limit of endurance. I needed a wake up call and the book did that for me.
Yes, I still need time to get back and up, walking and running. Talking about running, I completed my first ever 10 km run in less than one and half hour! I used to hate running, but the run was what I needed too. It felt so good :). No wonder Forrest Gump loves running. LOL.
I am putting ego aside, and I want to ask for forgiveness from everyone who was affected by my sombre mood. I vow to myself (and others) that I will try to be happy everyday and keep a positive outlook for life. The best take from these, I feel closer to God than I ever been. There's the silver lining and I hope Allah will always guide me to become a better person Insha'allah. Amin.
New Year?
1 month ago
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