Thursday, June 12, 2008

Not Jiwang Stuff (Hopefully)

Abang Faiz said I wrote either jiwang stuff or MU stuff. Period. The aspiring Steven Spielberg then asked if I got a unique, absurd, out-of-this-world story line. How ironic. Haha. Yes, I am typical. As much I hate to be common, it is my identity. Sometimes I yearn to get away from that cliché. Give me something different. Something W-O-W, even I haven’t thought of it. Well, to do that, why don’t I give it a try? It’s my final semester holiday anyway. I have to get in touch with the inscriptive side of me. It is for the balance of my mental state. Here goes scrambling thoughts that needed to be pen out.

I had that dream again. The same dream. But different situation. But everytime I had those dreams, it seem so real. Like I’m living in present. Like I could touch everything I saw in those dreams. That reminded me of The Matrix. Where the world we are living in is just an illusion, and there’s the real world. Okay, that sounds wrong because the world in my dream was exactly like what I am living now, so it was indeed a dream. Or dreams. And I think I’ve watched too many movies, because I was in all the countries I long to be for years. Mainly in Europe. Doing things I yearn to do. Am I having trouble differentiating fantasy and reality nowadays? No, I don’t go around and say to people I’ve been to places I never been. I kept it to myself. And I know my current reality life is as dull as my cat, Baby Odd. She always follows my maid around, asking for food. Every single day. It’s depressing to compare yourself to a cat. But I can’t hide the fact that’s me, excluding the part where cats don’t watch TV. However, I think the percentage of dull people is pretty high, so that eases my heart a little. So back to the dream. Or dreams. Because I had increasing shares of them lately. I won’t lie, they made me cheerful somehow. It soothes my soul to know I was capable of doing all the things I did in my dream. Although I could say they were nearly impossible. Living life as the rich and famous. Shoot, I’ve watched E channel too much. I need to stop this addiction of dreams. Of perhaps day dreaming. I’m lost. And it’s hard to put a stop on them. They keep on coming, and I’m addicted. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Ok, there goes my interlude (or prelude or whatever they call it). I think I’ll continue this fiction some other time. Or maybe I’ll just stop there. I’m unpredictable. Just read the title of my blog. It says all about me. I hope this is not categorized as jiwang stuff. Hee:p.


MaxHits said...

HoH Cikk Aweenn!!! some freaky cat u have there... hahaha!!! Anyway, 1 main point learned here, iaitu "berhati-hati bila cakap ngan aween, or u'll ended-up in her BLOG!" :D ... demn!

p/s: still waiting for those 'kehidupan dlm neraka's' like story from you...hehe