It’s been 2 days since class started. I felt:
1) OLD – Who are these people? Owh, they are juniors. The young ones. Who don’t use mirc and think google talk is the best. Not to forget Myspace too. I am not fond of these generations. Period.
2) CONFUSED – I want to take drilling!!!! Why the ACS makes it so hard to take up a subject and require pre requisites?? The lecturers are fine with my choice. Although it might be hard, but it can help me understand my FYP. Don’t they see how much I love my FYP??? LOL. I am going to take the risk. I’m an old person (in UTP boundaries). And with age comes wisdom. Says the philosopher. Good luck to me!
3) SUPER DUPER EXCITED??? Gosh, I wish I can say that. The previous two feelings combined with the love for my FYP are making my adrenaline pump like crazy. It makes me want to scream. I want to refrain myself from being depressed too soon. Looks like I am.
4) GUILTY. I hate doing things that hurt people. Especially people I love. I hate this thinking too much brain of mine. That generates this post. That puzzles me how selfish I can be to think of my negative moods rather than others’ situations. Especially the more unfortunate people.
That last feeling revamp the whole purpose of writing this post at the first place. I wanted to channel my anger and frustration to the unfair world, and end up to realize there are better things to value rather than your own dissatisfaction of how life turns out to be for you. I’ll try to find the remedies for these feelings I have in due time.
“Don’t try to analyze life. The more you do, the more tangled up life seems to be.”
New Year?
1 month ago
all the best for your final semester!
btw.. u can pass as a 17 year old gal zainur.. so tlg la jgn rs old occayyyy.. hehehe..
pre-requisite utk drilling is reservoir engineering kan? x ambik reservoir ke masa 1st sem?
haha..saye rase tue...di utpp...i want to feel younggg~
yeop - x amek pe, thts y prob.heh
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