Amusing. That was my thought when I’ve watched the delayed clip (delayed by one day. I was too lazy to watch the delayed version on TV) of the Anwar-Shabeery debate. I’m not a debater but from the definition in Wiki, debate is a formal method of interactive and position representational argument. And I’ve learnt the basis of a good argument from corporate communication lecturer (this is one of my favourite subjects in UTP). Heh. Argument is a series of statements that is used to persuade someone of something. In an argument, there must be a main conclusion, which is the main claim for the argument and premises, ideas to support and establish the conclusion and the reasons people should agree with the conclusion. In a good argument, the conclusion and the premises must be clear and not vague. Vagueness can occur if there is an uncertainty about standards as basis of comparisons, confusion over statements and imprecise choice of words.
So, from what I’ve learned and what I observed from the debate, both debaters had their vagueness elements in their arguments. But obviously there was someone who really followed the three rules of vagueness. I didn’t really get his main conclusion, he didn’t stress on that factor, he really did confuse us by going back to history and personal attack (completely irrelevant) and don’t get me start on the choice of words. I prefer Karam Singh Walia spoken out there. He had so many ‘peribahasa’ to choose from. Haha. Maybe you know who I was referring to. But it doesn’t mean I support the other debater. Honestly, he did a fair job, considering he was in a position where it was easier said than done. However, I didn’t really think his supporting statements convinced me enough. I need more evidences perhaps.
Anyway, this is just an episode of the political dramas in Malaysia. I’m a nobody to talk about it but these days, even nobody seems to make sense than the selected somebody who supposes to run this country forward instead of down the drain. *Sigh*
New Year?
1 month ago
Hidup Anwar! Hahaha~
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