I think I haven’t write anything meaningful (read: serious) for quite sometimes. Maybe seriousness is not in. Maybe I need to make new resolution on not being serious on blogs. Ok, this sound serious. Lol.
Anyway, 5 freaking years had passed. So where am I now? Answer: Duduk rumah, goyang kaki, jadi belon. Seriously. I used to be such an optimistic person (maybe not verbally, but my inner self is filled with optimism energy) but lately I feel the degree of optimism is slowly declining (faster by the state of where I am: jobless, no job interviews etc2). Ok, I’ve just graduated, I shouldn’t give up too soon but I’m trying to figure out a fallback plan. The what ifs are bothering me every day (while I’m watching Astro while eating chocolates, especially the Travel and Living Channel. They are living their dream lives and I am………….soon to be filled).
What if I’m not hired by the time of my graduation day?
What if the economic recession continues to make it hard for me to be employed?
What if I gain weight and I look like mess on my graduation day?
What if MU doesn’t win any trophy this season (apart for the marvellous first ever world club cup that day)?
(See, I think too much)
Anyway, I’ve thought of furthering my studies, but there are concerns on the courses and the fees (especially oversea). I am setting my mind to do Msc in engineering management (or anything equivalent to that), if I am not employed by March (ok, that’s first resolution). Plus, I think I’m procrastinating. I have filled my to-do list a few months ago and I need catching up to do. (Note: involve something with car and also the traveling part). Okay, now that I write it down, I guess I am normal. A bit abnormal due to excessive thinking that leads to minimal depression but will be easily cheered by anyone who wants to offer job / holiday package / movie tickets / Any activities paid by the other party (LEGAL only). Anyone interested? Heh.
By the way, best ke kerja kat panggung wayang? (Another fallback plan :p).
New Year?
1 month ago
nape x apply for scholarship to sambung MSc?
jom wt MSc at unsw! lol
Pni nak sponsor ok je..ahhahah.anyway, x apply ag. mcm nk make it last resort..but we'll c..btw, ive checked unsw nye Msc, and dorg mcm best je...jom teetos, go to down under and hang out w piney!=p
yayyy jom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unsw mmg besssssss!
best2. aku ada jumpa MSc in couple and relationshp ke apa tah kt unsw. nk yg tu lah.. haha..
sapa2 ada masalah cinta pasni aku leh ks pro punye advice okai
best x keje kt wayang? ahaha...other thn wearing the costume of a panda or watever, keje kt wayang komfem bes...
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