Today is Tuesday. Today, bunch of people are coming to office to go through what I had to go through last time: Interview which took the whole day.
I won’t say I love or hate interviews, but so far, I could say I’m fairly good at them, because if I’m great, I’ve already scored jobs with high paying salary (I’m getting average pay now. Money is never enough). I think the most important key to have a good interview is to have personality, not too shy or cocky, just enough dose of confidence to get picked for next round or hired straightaway. I would say interviews are the best platform to test your acting and communication skills. If you’re a natural actor / debater / speaker, even if you’re not a Dean List student, definitely you’ll ace the interviews.
I like to day dream. When I day dream, I’ll drift away from the average life I’m living to the world where I am able to be at my happiest. I’m happy now, but with dissatisfaction that keeps bothering me. My top dream lists consist of:
1. Meeting new people and learning new culture all over the world (Blame Travel & Living Channel)
2. Writing a book while lazing on an island in Greece (Blame movies and Travel & Living Channel again)
3. Watching people having their cup of tea while reading books and admiring photographs in my book café (Blame my ambition)
Which one could come true? Amin to all of the above. When it does, I will day dream about something else. for the time being, back to the real world!
New Year?
1 month ago
ahahah aku igt ko adalah sorg yg mempunyai high confident level huhu selamat maju jaya jenor
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