Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So ClueLess~

I didn't get this at first...then I've read it again...Then I laughed..not because of the cartoon..because of my cluelessness..LOL~

I admit it..I am clueless sometimes~

I just discovered you tube (owh yeah, all the Britney horrendous perfomance can be watched now)...I don't know the ways to make my blogspot fancy (erks..anyone baik enough to ajar?)...I am a bit blur when it comes to new things (especially IT related)..

But I guess I am okay compared those who don't even know at all (itu boleh dikategorikan sebagai orang tua=p)

If you make jokes pn, I might not get it (I think my friends know this..that's one of the reasons they always buli me)..Haha..I suddenly realized that my clueless-ness should be translated into words so maybe one day I will be much fast paced when it comes to picking up things (especially jokes)..

So, I might annoy anyone, or even bring laughter to anyone...But I noe u guys sayang me cuz you think that's adorable..haha..(perasan mode: I will sooo be kutuked by them for this post). Being optimistic won't hurt you right?=)

So peeps, always smile and be happy, although you might be clueless on the reasons you do so. You don't need one=)

"It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to frown"


mira said...

ahah, zainur memang seorang yang blur. and funny.

"it takes 42 muscles to frown, 28 to make u smile, and only 4 to extend my arm and smack u in the mouth."

no, i'm not gonna smack u, darling. it's something u shud remember when someone annoys u next time.

Hani said...

zainur! im putting ur link to my blog!

link me as well ok! hehe!

aween mokhtar said...

Okie Dokie=D~

zarirah i. said...

i rathre frown then than smile. or probably i do both. i need the exercise... haha

aween mokhtar said...

hello angah, exercise apenye...let me be slimmer than u laaaaa...g makan byk2..haha=p

thaqifroslim said...

'blur' bkn member kte smer ke?...amik Civil Engineering. Klw x silap aku la...


-mesti krg blur dgn statement aku kn?-