Monday, April 7, 2008

Jan04 Guys and Girls..Hehe =D

For the past month, I kept reading other people blogs, rather than updating mine. Because to talk about what’s happening in my life would be endless rantings and baseless, even boring maybe to some. Anyhow, I need to write again. After all the things that happened. I really wanted to upload some photos, but all up to beloved UTP ‘fast’ internet connection. Anyhow, here go the updates of my life.

1. MU is making me happy everytime I went to watch them playing. Liverpool match was great; also the recent Boro draw was so exciting my adrenaline rush was the best and worst feeling I had when watching football. I hope Chelsea and Arsenal will drop more points so MU can beat them. Hehe. And owh yeah, MU to be in the final of Champs League. That Ronaldo guy is surely on fire. Whatever Cadaver to Anti MU :p.

2. Euphonius. It was the greatest of all compared to the music fest and previous Eupho that I went to because the performances were superb. Plus, our effort of doing The Capoiz banner really paid off because they were the Champion. Second (and sadly last) time in a row. I was (still are) proud of my friends. And also the supporters. Our batch was not as lame as people thought of. Not to me anyway.

3. Dinner Jan04. Yes people. It’s finally over. Despite all the flaws, I was quite happy with how things turned out. I didn’t want to blame or point my fingers to anyone, but I would LOVE to thank everyone, especially the committee for all these hard works we’ve put in. And for sticking through the thick of time. And sorry if ter ‘emo’, as it was a norm when handling an event. People like to express dissatisfaction because well, people like easy and comfortable things. To be appreciated just by a simple thank you could really make you felt like you have done something right. But I have to tolerate and be patient with the buzzing of those ignorant, justice seeker parties. I am fine and able to say sorry if I have done mistakes, so people, sorry for the imperfect dinner. That was the best we could come up with (well, I know we could do better but it has happened right). And don’t worry, we did that out of sincerity and won’t use your balance portion of money to bersuka ria or buat business. Lol. Tangan kanan memberi, kanan kiri don’t have to know. So, the donation or any good deeds that we will do don't have to be exposed. Just a clarification on the issue so justice is served. Anyway, like Payeh said, majority wins. So if people were fine and had fun, I considered that as success. Put aside or differences, I had found that I actually love my batch. Seriously, they are fun bunch of people I will remember the rest of my lives. Thanks for the memories guys.

Okay, so now it’s back to the REAL world. Where studies (projects, tests) take control of everything. God, please gives me strength to get through these few more weeks so I can end my semester successfully and peacefully. Amin.


Hani said...

hello zainur.

thanks a lot to you. it was indeed a memorable nite.

i too have just realized how much I love my batch regardless what people say :D

LazyS said...

ee nmpk mcm sgt fun.
jeles pls.

aween mokhtar said...

hani - ahah...thanks to u too..i turned out allright rite. Surely going to miss u guys =)

piney - hehe. U are welcomed je dtg, but u weren't here. Ur final yr is surely be as memorable as ours=)

MataBogel said...

zianur..saya kecewa name saya tidak dipaparkan dengan jelas..

sigh~ bersepah2 aku dibuang..


*cari new hot girl to have fun wit.zainur sudah bosan*

nadeetos said...

hey poet..
i pn mcm fini gks.. jeleessss.. hoho..

btw, i sje tggl komen.. tanak jd stalker.. lol.. :)

aween mokhtar said...

fareez - Ok.pegila cari ppuan laen. I noe eventually ull talk to me too.haha.lelaki moody 1st or 2nd definition ini :p

Nadeetos - ahaha. I've been stalked? Cool. xyahla jeles.U blaja kt New York. Jeles ok. :P

nadeetos said...

ahaha.. no need to be jealous.. me at ny kampung je.. not the city.. lg depressed dok sni ade la.. hoho..