This post is to stimulate thinking and to find that eureka moment.
Anyone who is reading is, with all my typing strength, I ask a few seconds / minutes of your time to give opinion about these issues I am going to list down. Do you want these issues to be brought up through the camera lenses? Or do you think it’s too controversial?
1. Segregation of Race
The truth. I don’t have any non – Malay friend I could invite back home (oh, maybe 1) or just hang out with casually. Yes, I do have non – Malay friends and I don’t have any racism issues toward them (or I like to believe so) but why is it hard to befriend them? My reason is because I went to a boarding school where 99% are Malays. And in my university there were about 80% Malays in my course. It’s sad isn’t it thinking how near we live to each other but how far apart our relationship is. I believe everyone should be treated equally (although I admit I’m one of those who have enjoyed the privilege of being a Malay). Up till this point, words speak way louder than actions. I just need to see some or small breakthrough in breaking the races barrier we are all carrying with us all these while.
2. Kids being kidnapped, sold / murdered / never found again
I am getting a bit emotional when it comes to this issue. Especially since the past two years, we’ve seen two major cases which by the way, it’s not solved yet. I’ve heard story from someone (can’t remember who) who told me about kid being kidnapped and few years later bumped into him / her in Bangkok, as a beggar. We’ve seen this being portrayed in many movies but how the reality is never really depicted. Or maybe it’s too sensitive as it questions the authority. Anyway, home was safe once. Now, it’s filled with beasts that go around terrorizing people.
3. Story of ordinary people going through extraordinary life
Apart from those two mind stressing issues, we all need inspiration in life. I’m sure we have people who do inspire people in what they do, where they eventually become the public figure. But do you want to be inspired by a normal average Joe like yourself? If you know anyone worth enough to be a role model, please drop me a line.
Okay, you guys must be wondering what the purpose of this? Why so serious right? Let’s just say, a small step might be a giant leap for my dream to be materialized. I’ll greatly appreciate your help.
New Year?
1 month ago
dearie sayang,
as for me la, the last 2 ideas were a bit less controversial and do not give impact as much as the 1st one.think about it, we are on the edge where the gov yelling to the crowd to be a Malaysian.not malay nor chinese nor indian.but, they themselves brought up the racism and ketuanan true la even if you freaking love mahathir, but do you agree when i say that up till now, UMNO is the entity that break the bond of our community?? they are the one who always talk and yapping that so called MALAY is the superior race in our beloved country.yes they do.subtle and not.keep on tracking back the old history of how malay did this and that.tell them to forget about it and move on! because we have different target from the malay hundreds years ago.they wanted Tanah Melayu. WE WANT MALAYSIA!
-nota kaki-
go baca tronoh tranquility about sabah and its syarat-syarat bergabung dengan Malaya.i think its also a good documentary issue dudette.if you buat this are gonna be HOTTEST in my mind.ble orgasme you know!!!!! damn it you are becoming cool! hate it :P
Thanks dude.
Althought you seem like to only one responded :(
my boss wanna go with traditional typical malay culture. As expected.
Guess not the hottest person YET.Haha.
your boss?
ko dah keje ek?
hmm actually i dont really get wat u wan
issues through camera lenses? i thought u meant pictures on your blog, but from wat payeh mentioned, you're making a documentary? that's fuking awesome!
totally agree with payeh, if wan stir some controversy and some attention, go with the first
malaysia is still a racist country, i hate racism, but judging by the number of non-malay friends i have, shamefully i might be a racist myself too
ahah.Najmie, I was expecting a feedback from you. Yeah, working in documentary production field.I guess the issue would make a really interesting documentary. Like the Inconvenient Truth. Lol.
Thanks yea. I'll try my best to put that into papers. If you guys ade idea on how to portray it, would be wayyy better =D~
racial segregation.
hmm. ok ko tau la aku skrg tgh mengeducate diri sendiri pasal economics kan. haha. damn hard.
there's this economist yang apply economic theory to racial segregation.
try Thomas Schelling. bloody cool. i think he's a nobel laureate.
ok. mungkin tak membantu sgt. tp his theory might help explain the scenario. XD
you can find the stuff on youtube!
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