Everyone had a post on convofair 2008. So I guess I should follow the trend. It was indeed special. I was not involved in anything this year, but the people around me did. From the food sellers to the graduates, to family members and most special person, my idol Tun Mahathir. It was indeed memorable when one of the graduates was your sister. Yeay. Kak Long finally made it! Despite the hours we spent together in UTP was very limited, and sometimes it was not on good terms, it was great having your sister in the same uni as you. Yes, I would miss the time she was around, where I can bug her (despite her twisted mood swing) when I was feeling down, or needed help (mostly financial. Haha), she was there for me. I will remember the one time I went swimming with her and we got stuck inside the swimming pool, and there was a hot foreigner wanted to help (*drool*), and then we had dinner. Yep, that was one of those rare but precious moments I’ve spent with my beloved but unpredictable eldest sis. Hopefully you’ll do well in your future and I’ll see you at home? Ahah =).
Along receiving her scroll~
The cuzinsss~
Mama, nyanyah and along. Mama must be proud!=)~
Guys in our familia. Heh.~
Another person graduated where the memories with him were bigger than with my sister and any other seniors was Abang Shafiq. Shafiq was the closest senior I ever had in UTP besides my sis. To reminisce about the times spent with him would definitely involved big space because there would always involved lots and lots of talking (and gossiping. And kutuking. And debating. And arguing) with him. He made life at UTP so much fun by just hearing him talk. And it gets annoying at times, because he loved winning any argument (inilah balasan berkawan dengan debater. Haha). There was one time I was soo pissed off after debating with him on…MAWI. Wahaha. That was hilarious (And stupid. Really). Anyway, those conversations, those outings, karaoke-ing were indeed very special to me. He was around since I first stepped in this university until the day he graduated. Abang Capiq, I (and I’m sure all of US juniors too) will definitely miss having you here, and those days spent with you at convofair (including the reason why I was rushing to see Nabil. Ehem. Ehem) would be remembered. Always. Just try imagining Miri as Kuala Lumpur and you'll get your flawless skin back :p . And don’t be TOO sensitive. Haha. (no pics of shafiq yet. If you happen to read capiq, send the pics to me ok!).
Anyway, kudos to my friends (JHOKS and ABANG BUJANG FINAL SEM) for their OMG-You-Guys-Were-So-Rajin-To-Sell-Foods efforts. I went to both booths (sorry for not being much of a help due to many activities planned for convofair :p) and I was satisfied with both. Korang-korang neh ley bukak restoran one fine day =). Moreover, one more thing that made this the 2nd best convofair (of course my own convocation will be THE BEST. Haha) was the fact I’ve got to salam my favoritest idol in the whole wide world. Tun, you’ve made my day. I hope I’ll get to see you again next year. Ok, that’s all for the convofair entry. Back to the real world. Deng.
Owh, beloved TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD. I heart u! =) (gambar atas neh curi from org.keke)
Along, my one-of-a-kind sis on the DAY~
New Year?
2 weeks ago
aku x dpt tgk nabil sbb involved dgn convo dinner.
tapi dpt tgk m nasir pun jadi la!
next year ko punya convo plak! :D
jenor...thanx a lot. terharu aku ble baca post ko nih. sebak aku hehehe aku pasti akan igt korg...KIT k. jgn lupe apply2 keje...klo leh apply la shell miri so that aku ada member kt cni. if korg msk cni kompom aku xkn pindah kampeni laen
yeop - time nabil ujan lebat kot.xdpt tgk-_-~
capiq - yeah, insyaallah ktorg try apply.take care!=)
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