Okay. I am backdated when it comes to Malay series. Because honestly, none has ever attracts my attention. Or sustain the attention I gave when I’ve decided to watch them. I do support Malaysia film industry (although after countless disappointments) but not much on the series. Because it needs a really good story line to keep me interested. I am very sceptical and very logical. If I think it’s illogical, I simply stop watching them. So, recently, after hearing so many good reviews (Owh yeah, I was always fooled by reviews too) and no updates on the series I’ve been watching (yes, they are all Made in Hollywood), I’ve decided to watch KAMI.
Yeah, it was a tad late (Okla. Very late) discovery but it was good. Really really good. Better than some Hollywood series I’ve watched. It’s very logical and very hip. Very up to date (in term of fashion, music, lifestyle), and I’m sure most of the young teenagers (I’m in the transition state :p) can relate to. Screwed up families are always portrayed in Malay series, but I sense more honesty and realness in the series. Life is not all rainbows and flowery: they suck sometimes. Or most of the times. So we find comfort in people who understand us more: our friends. Or even cousins who are the same age as us (oh, I so can relate to that). The best part of this series is it didn’t try too hard to portray all these elements. I’ve seen exaggeration way too many times in Malay series / films, so to find one that really not OTT (Over the top) is such a relief. By the way, now I get it why people are really into underground music scene. It’s quite cool and not so phony. And I think Ezani (Ali) is super cute. Lol.
Okay, I think that revamp my spirit of supporting the local entertainment industry. I’m still a patriotic person with the hope of seeing my country becoming better in everything (that was deep :p). Raya is approaching, home and the festivities is waiting, so I would like to say sorry dorry, kemaafan dipinta sempena Aidilfitri ni. Ramadhan is ending and I hope I could do better for the next one. Amin. Drive carefully people!
New Year?
1 month ago
heyhey, jgn la jeles. hahahha
meh cni komen. i dun really lyk kami. too childish. sorry. its for kiddos di sekolah menengah. hahaha
so since u r omost like them (mengikut ketinggian) so i guess its ok for u to like it. muahahahaha
p/s - how sweet of payeh to komen on my komen. ckp kt dier, xpanggil akak pon xper, dier bkn bf awin pun. hahaha
Providing an overview of Malaysian cinema in the final chapter of the book, Van Der Heide analyzes eleven films and maintains his thesis of lines of connectedness. This chapter deals with Malaysian cinema lacking. According to Van Der Heide, there were just under 600 feature films produced between the years of 1933 and 1993 in Malaysia.
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