Friday, January 30, 2009


I haven’t written anything for a while. So here goes what happened while I was away from the computer:

1) I’ve got a job. Alhamdulillah. But this job requires me to be competitive and very good at it. If I’m not, I have to find a fallback plan (Remember, always have a fallback plan as my favorite quote from Ford says, “Failure is an opportunity to begin again intelligently.”). Anyway, I’m optimistic and the people there are filled with optimism. Good start. Stay tune for the bad sides. Hoho.
2) They said there was supposed to be gerhana matahari last week. I’ve waited and wore my sunglasses and everything and there was none. Yes, I love astronomical event. It amazes me every time.
3) While waiting for the gerhana, I’ve watched Oprah’s Big Give on Hallmark. It’s a game show where people compete to be the most generous, creative and biggest giver to people in need. Another thing that never fails to amaze me is how people can be selfless. But to be selfless you have to be quite selfish in some part of the show because it’s still a competition. Ironic huh? Anyway, Oprah is awesome. It’s my dream to watch her live show one day (And perhaps get the freebies. I’m still a human ok. Hehe).
4) I’ve watched a malay movie again. It’s Maut and surprisingly I was not annoyed with the movie at all. It’s quite menginsafkan. There were some glitches here and there (like Liyana Jasmay sucks, surprisingly) but it was meaningful. I’m all about logic. And I think Underworld 3 is just ok. Nothing superbly fantastic. And Inkheart quite sucks.

So people, like the Big Give phrase, “Give Big or Go Home.” Lol. Kidding. Give anything and never expect anything in return will make you a whole lot better person. Wish me luck in my new stage of life!

P/s: The post above written last week. Blame the stupid old ancient internet. For the moment, I feel shitty. You know how good moment turns bad to worse in a split second? In my case, in 5 minutes. Tell me; is it too difficult to change some things if you claim you care for that person? Or end up blaming them because that’s the way you are. Who is the bigger child here? Shoot. I hate writing this down but I need the negative energy out. Right now. I think we all need to change. For better.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dedication to Penoreh Getah =)

Suddenly, I realize I miss my boyfriend (not that I never miss him. I do. I just don’t write off my feelings on that area). Sure, we don’t have the picture perfect relationship (LDR gets the blame most of times) but I have never been so serious about a relationship like I have with him.

Okay, he’s not that romantic. He never gives me flowers. How us women drool over guys who give flowers, write songs for us, sing for us, cliché right? He’s super busy and the 4 hour difference results me sleeping when he just got back from work. I used to be very sad for the un-ideal (blame the movies) man I’ve got here.

Yes, there’s definitely a ‘but’ (not butt. Okay, lame). I am quite ill tempered, he is super patient. I need space, he definitely gives me space. I like cow, he bought me cow that can dance. Hehe. And he admits he’s not perfect. He said to me one day that he doesn’t know how to make poems, sing, even talk properly, but he can take pictures and that says them all without words (great photographer my man is). And that’s why Allah meets us up. To complete each other. Now, can you tell me how to not fall in love with this guy?;)

Anyway, if you’re reading this, I’m glad you took the kids’ pictures more than a year ago. Because I believe I have found my Mr Right. Thanks for everything =).

*Jiwang mode people. Hehe.

His work*beams*

Iklan (I have no idea wat good will this brings).

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Friday, January 9, 2009

War..Please Go Away.

I’m thinking……
I have no power in stopping the war that’s been happening.
I am a nobody.
Although I’ve dreamt of being a somebody (to make a difference).
Resolution? And the US with their ‘berkecuali’ attitude.
What the fish?
Civillians are dying every single day..
My mom wants to stop going to McD for the moment. And starbucks.
Deng. Ayam Spicy McD and Caramel Frappucino are favoritest non-healthy food and drink of mine.
But I agree to stay abstinence because that’s the least I can do. (but I'm young and easily tempted. Tolonglah bertahan).
I’m jobless (for the moment). I can’t donate thousands of ringgit.
I’m no Mercy volunteer, nor an army.
My blog is not read by Bush or Israel or Hamas leaders. Even Obama. And Tun M.
I can pray. Yes, I can do that. I hope God hears me. And thousands of people.
Because beside all that, “berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul.”
Can anyone suggest me on anything better to do?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Martial Art anyone?

Stand away Edward Cullen! I have a brand new favorite hero…=)
Introducing……(Drum roll)

Oh..Oh...(Yes, I'm excited because I'm in love.Lol)

The real YIP Man. He sure looks fit.

Donnie Yen. But I don't dig this metrosexual look :p

Ip Man! Oh. He is superkool plus macho plus hebat berkungfu (even though it’s said to be feminine martial art but it’s sooo soft yet powerful and GREAT)..Err, I think my grammar is completely off but seriously, Ip Man, you rock! And you’re real! He’s the master of the talented, respected Bruce Lee. This guy who played Ip Man is Donnie Yen and he is a martial art practitioner himself. So, that’s a major bonus point. Good look, Cool personality, Powerful…Yet modest, all in all, my dream GUY. And, I love the movie! I’m a sucker for movie where people fought for their independence (The war era especially. To name a few like Leftenan Adnan, Saving Private Ryan etc2). Another plus plus, the villain (the Japan General. Real Name: Hiroyuki Ikeuchi) is hot too! He looks a bit like Michael Scolfield (Oh, my fav tv series hero).

Hensem kan orang jahat neh? A Judo practitioner too :p
Overall, it’s the first movie I’ve watched in 2009 and it sets very high bar for other movies to come! I used to love watching Kungfu / Martial arts drama like Journey to the West (Oh, Fong Sai Yuk) and Jackie Chan movies but haven’t watch any for a while. Oh China-Wood, please produce more of these please then I won’t be disappointed when I go to movies and buy my tics (because I regard myself as quite a harsh critic).

Btw, wish me luck people. My future seems to have a turnaround for the moment. Amin. =).

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Today, I saw something amusing but also somewhat triggered some disturbance in my ever evolving brain. There was this Hotlink Shop which was under a company registered as Thugz Communication. As in thug. Samseng. I was like, apekah ini? I laughed at first, felt how very phony it sounded, but then I was disturbed (Ya, minda saya ini twisted).

There are so many thugs around lately in Malaysia. They are from many races (let’s say thugs are multiracial, unlike Mafia. Lol). They are everywhere and they are increasingly scarier and dangerous. Last month, 2 of my cousins were mugged by using parang. Okay, thank god they were all right but the samsengs are getting bolder in harassing and intimidating public citizen like my cousins, my sister, my aunties, your families, everyone basically. I’m sure out of 10, 7 had encounters with any form of thugs
(orang gila excluded. They were minor threats. I was one of the victims. But still scary merry).

And, do you notice how taman perumahan has guards now? Malaysia is becoming unsafe, and paranoid people can have nervous breakdown soon if thugs will continue terrorizing our country. I don’t know if there is a point of writing this post because the current government doesn’t seem to have a stand on anything against criminal / war etc2. On anything. Period. Maybe if any thug is reading this could hear (read) my plead and stop stealing and harassing others and maybe open up a shop like those people in Thugz Communication (I hope they don’t steal. They can be quite a role model when I think about it), the world will be a better place. Okay, saya sudah merepek. May peace be upon us all.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Azam Tahun Baru.

New Year. 2009.
How did you celebrate your new year?
Partying? Kenduri Doa Selamat? Or just hang out with nearest and dearest (or two of them, or ALL. Believe me, they are people who combine them :P). I had a blast with cousins. Crazy, but still sane and they’re the best people to hang out with.

Anyway, New Year is all about leaving the past behind and aim to improve ourselves right? Hence, resolution comes and takes place.

Some find them motivating while others say its utter bullshit because putting them in a piece of paper won’t guarantee you will fulfill them. People change when they are ready to change. Putting them in words is a way of making a promise they’ll change. It’s like an agreement we are bind to. However, how many of us really turn them into actions? I’m not one of them as I am a procrastinator. So, I am 85% agree with people who think resolution on New Year is kinda waste of time. But I do believe we can aim at anything, and it’s a lifetime commitment.

Anyway, please watch Yes Man to get some kind of motivation. Funny and insightful. Plus, Jim Carey was not too over dramatic. I can’t stand his OTT behaviour in other films but this one is exceptional. Saying yes is not that difficult, so peeps start saying YES to life. (No to No man No man! Lol).