Saturday, January 23, 2010

Have you arrived?

Okay. Today is the last day of weekend and I haven’t written anything all week.

This week word is ARRIVAL.

Yes, people, some of you might know what I am going to write about, I’m predictable sometimes.

The Arrivals is a documentary made by a couple of young guys who decided to share with the world their POV of The New World Order. The conspiracy theory that links Free Masons to being Luciferian (Or the followers of the Anti-Christ (a.k.a Dajjal) and the end of the world.

Their 50 episodes documentary (it just lasts 10 minutes for each, less than any of your favorite series) is definitely a new angle of seeing today’s world. Especially when we know one day the world will end and the signs are showing it’s coming sooner than later.

I know people are skeptical and will judge quickly what nonsense conspiracy theory is, and the world is what she is, but just take your time to watch all the episodes before making a conclusion.

In the end, I think the message conveyed in the documentary is very positive, the betterment of oneself.

Okay, I have now fulfilled my need to voice my opinion on this matter.

If you have any interest in finding out what I am talking about, please go to

May ALLAH bless us ALL.

P/s: Sometimes I still think I’m not on the right path. That I should be on the road not taken.


Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.


Syafiqah Najib said...

We agree with you !
The Arrival is one of the awesome discovery, don't be to shallow to reject everything new cause that just show you are have been secularize.
Try to have some thought and research bout that.

Anyway, all are invited to visit HELWI UTP official blog to get updates about helwi and all issued and event around campus.

Syafiqah Najib said...

Helwi's Official blog.

Unknown said...

I am just an ordinary blogger sharing views on issues I feel interesting and should be shared.