Halfway.Halfway. Eh, ¼ way. ¼ way…
Sekejap lagi..In about a month time I’ll finally be freed from my tertiary education. I’ll fly out there to the real world with a smile on my face. Smile of a liberation survivor. That sounds super duper phony. LOL.
I suddenly feel like it’s a jungle out there. I feel like Monk who scares of so many things. Stop thinking too much Zainur Azwin. Have a little faith in fate and hard works. Life’s too short to think of so many consequences of simple / medium / complicated actions.
Orang tak pernah kisah kalau mereka ada semua.
Malangnya tidak semua orang bernasib baik.
Jadi hampir semua orang kisah.
Dunia dan kebendaan itu sinonim.
Tetapi mereka lupa.
Akhirat dan amal juga sinonim.
Oh. Senang lupa.
Terjaga….Harus Sedar.
Yep, it’s wengness mood strikes back. I think I will behave like this for quite a while because of the excessive Coke + works + stress + excitement to end these 5 years journey.
By the end of the month I will summarize what I’ve been through and what I’ve learnt throughout these years. Like a conclusion to my final report. No recommendation though. Lol. I’m sure my previous posts said a thing or two about my life for now, but hey, it’s my blog, so suke hati la kan? Hehe. So I’m done for now. As Fareez current favorite word says, KISS (Keep It Suka Suki (Ok saye tipu. Lain sebenarnye). I’ll let him write his. Harus! =)
New Year?
1 month ago
so jeles dh nk grad okay.. dh x tahannnnnnnnnnnnnn nk gradddddddddd... hehe..
oh yea.
x sabar betul.
come on.less than a year je lg teetos and ull join me. balik msia tau!:)
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