The sky was blue, grass was green..(Ok, cut it, I think I’m going to write this not too skema hopefully).
Time: Nearly 5 years ago.
Place: Somewhere in Toronto.
I’ve stepped inside a room in my new university (my first ever university). I had mixed feelings of nervousness and annoyance. I was annoyed that my post SPM break was shortened immensely by one offer letter arriving at my house couple of weeks ago. I even forgotten I ever applied for this place. So, stated there, Mechanical Engineering Programme. 5 years. I refused to go at first. Same feelings when I’ve got the offer letter to my boarding school 2 years ago. Feeling of dreadful future ahead. But then, after so many advises (or bebelan) I’ve received on future and all its importance, I gave up. Maybe university life would be much cooler than boarding school (my boarding school experience did turn out great in the end). So there I was. Starting my new life.
………………………………………… (Jumping the orientation week and such)
My old friends were there! Even my ex roommates, Jenny and Moony were there. What a relief! I’ve met new friends, most of them were from the same school. So our friends were from two schools. My school and their school. Anyway, from my observation, my batch intake was mostly from boarding schools, so explained the clique of schoolmates. Me and my friends used to make fun of those so-called elites ex school students. How phony they were. Guess we were immature then. So, starts a new friendship. There were quite a number of US: There’s Peyton, Amy, and Rogayah from the Island School; me, Jenny, Moony, Naddy, Muah and Aza from the Ulu Land School (It was deserted. Same goes to my new college / university). Additional member: Abang S from Island School. He was our Big Bro.
We went out everyday to dinner together, because there was no internet or dc++ then to prevent us from being socially incompetent. We’ve spent our days gossiping, going out, going to class together (I went to class particularly with Rogayah and Aza as they were my coursemates). Living in the Old Village was so much fun. And very memorable. It’s like a small community who knows each other and it was lively, especially around the seniors’ blocks, which we’ve nicknamed Hutan Sepilok, due to excessive noise resembling monkeys every time there were girls walked through their blocks. They even had radio broadcasting! (Which I’ve found creepy but amusing). Walking through the blocks was a daily obstacle every time we were going to class. Not only the seniors, but our male batch mates, where one of their blocks was opposite of us, were also creepy. Right on the opposite of my room, there was this room, who looked very suspicious because there would always be lots of guys inside (and most of them were half naked. Ergh),whom would always look at our blocks with something like a telescope. Later I’ve found out there was indeed telescope in their room. How perverted.
We’ve had our good times, like Amy birthday where we’ve had a kononnya wine splash (something like in Hollywood) moment, but with sparkling water. That was fun. Hehe. And going to Ipoh by bus. Oh, sangat tabah rasanya masa-masa mudaku. Also some bad times. One time, Rogayah was harassed by this senior who wanted to hit on her in very persuasive, scary way. I was sorry I did act like ditching her at some point. (Note to Rogayah: Sorry! I was always clueless / lampi. Still is anyway. Duh). Anyways, my friends were hot. Lots of seniors were hitting on them during the first semester but none ever succeed. They’ve ended up swept by batch mates (Was. Heh). One more thing that I’ve remembered was during rainy days, we would lepak at Jenny room, masak Maggi Goreng Indo Mee with Hot Chocolate. While gossiping and talking. Gosh, I miss that.
We’ve talked about so many things too, especially when SPM results were drawing nearer. Everyone seems to want go further their studies overseas. It scared me that everyone would go away and I’ll be left here all alone. Little I know, I was right. Most of them left after first semester. Rogayah, Naddy, Muah, even Jenny and Moony. How University of Toronto seems like the gloomiest place during my second semester. I was stressed out and felt the next 4 and a half years would be miserable. I had no roommate (Rogayah was supposed to be my roommate, with disco ball lamp and everything. Sob Sob) and the usual large gang was extremely reduced to four of us: Me, Peyton, Amy and Aza. Which during my first semester, only Peyton was the only one who always hangs out with us, and I was not too close to her then. There I was: lonely and miserable….but not for long.
Girls, although we’ve only spent 6 months together ( I wasn’t even close to some of you at former Ulu Land School), it was one of the best moments I’ve had in UTP. And it’s really great we still keep in touch regularly and meet up every time you guys came back. I heart you guys. XOXO!
P/s: Real name and place are confidential. Saje je. Hehe.
P/s/s: I’ve remembered my theme song was invisible. Deng.
New Year?
1 month ago
ooo sentimental gile zainurrrr
rogayah tu mesti sweet+cun gile+ comel kan?
6 bulan yg sgt best kt utp! macam percutian yg sgt lama.ahaha
I'm so glad kite pun stil keep in touch smpi skang.
sayang kau!
oh lupa nk tulis.
i was lucky to jumpe korg masa orientasi tu n became sgt rapat ngan korg. u guys are the few of my besterestest frens till now. :D
aww.. this is sweet..
i second that fini.. its like instantaneous kerapatan which is so odd sbb it always took me a while to warm up to peeps.
and u guys r definitely the ppl that i value the most..
okay to add the memories:
- hitchin a ride from the utp kontraktor to get to ipoh
- lepak session at tangga blakang v5
- sang song X kuat2 smpi the authorized person dtg sergah.. of kos we left Muah sbb die je x prasan.. haha
- and byk lg..
actly one the srs(ehem) who used to kejar2 me at Sepilok end up being shapek's hsmate masa intern.. and boy he's turned CUTEEEE.. sumpah xprasan dia mula2.. ahahahaha
okay ni dh jd cm blog aku plak..sori dear.. the bottom is..
I LOVE YOU GUYS! A LOT! Happy Graduation Dear!
happy graduation my dear super duper junior...
from x-utp 2004
wey mcm klaka ok i found it really hardddd tgo pk sape rogayah la muah la amy la ape la haha
but after komen shafini, its so terang lagi bersuluh lah ye cik fini hahaha
anyway likewise us, kitorang mixed up of 2 mrsm from same state, but one is extra from yours haha.
and we USED TO hate those from elite schools jugak.
some kind of, hurm, double standard? tapi tuh dulu je la. before the rest of it.
yelah, mara always rocks kan! haha
pini, teetos - love u guys too! muahhh. yep, byk sgt memori, tp short term pn igt gk :p
super duper senior - thanks! any recommendation for keje?hehe:p
zac - yep, mara rox (biased neh.hehe). we all had fun in utp didnt we =)
(Note to Rogayah: Sorry! I was always clueless / lampi. Still is anyway. Duh)
zaino is being zaino...
ko patut letak nama aku sekali. br laaa cam perfect cerita tuu.hehe.
man - ye, wait for the part w ur name :p
enod -aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. after post aku da terigt ko.i'll include u sumwhere aft this. ehehe:p
besday emi..was the day we first met enod aites? kesian dia dilupakan :)
teetos. yep.i think so. patutnya ainod jd je utpian.senang.keke.
sorry part aku includekan ko =)
zainurr!!tht's sooo sweet!!haha
i heart you!!cannot wait till next year!blk malaysia then we can hang out together-gather lagi!=)
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