Okay. I need to write this. I need to get the frustration OUT and LOUD.
SELAMAT PAGI CINTA Sucks! Big time! (Exception to people who are easily touched by people dying / miseries / cinta tak kesampaian).
Ok. Relieved. Anyway, I always say these words after watching Malay movies but I never actually give up on them. Maybe I should. I have very high hope (and patience too) that I can get satisfaction from watching my country made movies. I am patriotic (mungkin sedikit stupid). History teaches me to be that way. Family and culture too. Those are the things that keep me being an overly optimistic citizen. With sucky politic condition in Malaysia, the film industry doesn’t help in lifting my patriotism to the highest level. It’s a love hate relationship but the LOVE is too strong it blinds all the hatred part of the relationship.
Ini sudah beralih topik. Jadi, kesimpulannya adalah saya sangat berdoa setiap kali trailer filem melayu keluar sebelum filem Melayu yang saya akan / selalunya dikecewakan akan membuat saya tersenyum selepas menontonnya. Because if we don’t, who will? So dear directors and producers and actors and actress, also politicians, please think outside the box to please your audiences and rakyat. That’s all for today’s review and thoughts.
Oh, yea, for Madagascar 2, it’s Made In Hollywood but it made me laugh (on the jokes. Not the stupidity). And it’s a cartoon. So, highly recommended for animal lovers. Especially wicked penguin and dancing tigers. Oh and love story between two different animals. Better than the story mentioned above. Because at least they’re animals. What do you expect from them right?. I want to shake it shake it :p.
New Year?
1 month ago
aku pun benci! ade la 1 ke 2 out of beratus2 filem melayu j eyg aku suke.
semlm baru lps tgk susuk. tu lg la apebendentahxdepoint nye cite. ahaha
how to deal with malay films: pick the stupidest scene in the movie and hf a good laugh abt it..
sumpah shit ok jer cite mlayu if u just try to hf fun with the movie.. keke..
*positive thinkinggggg sungguh :)*
oh cite melayu mmg tak worth pon tgk kat wyg.except for certain cite jek la.aku pon tak paham knape cerita2 made in malaysia ni tak boleh pakai sgt.mcm cerita tak siap.i know i sound mean tp tatau laaa.pelakon dah hebat tp amende ntah yg slack nye.haha.maybe we need more afdlin shauki n yasmin ahmad?hans isaac is not dat bad tp still need to improve something.bajet gila aku komen:p
oh kau pegi tengok jugak eh zainur cerita tu? hahaha!
takpe laa at least something utk di'have fun' kan lepas dah habis semua ni =)
ok good luck in future life.
keep in touch!
and tc too.
haha. pni and meena agreed w me. Yep, we are not as optimistic as u teetos.
Like Hanisah says, kte perlu melowerkan expectation dan membuka minda tgk filem Melayu. I think I've tried that. And still dissapointed -_-".
Yeay, da abes kan ieja? memang xde keje laen selain tgk series, movies etc. Have fun, happy graduating, take care and keep in touch too!=)
haah tak bes gile rase mcm nak nanges sb tak bes.
tak besssssssssssssssssss haha
aku stuju ngan teetos. aku wat mende yg sama ble tgk zombi kg pisang. aku maki2 kebodohan pelakon n pengarah. alik2 kite gak terhibur ngan kebodohan diorg ahahaha tp mmg xberbaloi la klo tgk wyg kn...tp aku hampir nk tgk cte tu wiken ni. but ble ko ckp cenggitu so xjd la.
-capik malas nk sign in
korang senang-senag jer kutuk filem melayu...tapi filem luar negara korang agung-agungkan...
kalau korang jadi pembikin filem baru lah korang tahu betapa susah peritnya nak buat filem tau tak!!
filem melayu banyak yang mengecewakan kerana ada sebab, pertama industri kita dahlar kecil pastu kerajaan asyik mengongkong karya-karya pengiat seni, ini tak boleh buat itu tak boleh buat,habis nak buat apa??? kerajaan seharusnya membuka minda dan memberi kebebasan untuk berkarya apa sahaja,tapi hakikatnya adalah sebaliknya...
maka terlahirlah golongan-golongan orang melayu yang pandang rendah dan tidak menyokong filem melayu..
cuba korang bayangkan ,tiket wayang dekat london harga rm60!!! kita,rm 10 sahaja...macam mana filem kita nak maju??? cuba kalau kerajaan naikkan sikit harga tiket wayang, insyaallah...filem melayu akan maju!
Aww.I have a raging young aspiring filmmaker gave comment in my blog. Flattered.
Adik (you're still young right :)), we are not filmmakers. We are just human being with a need to be satisfied. Kami masih menonton filem Melayu dan mengkritik supaya mungkin ada pengarah filem Melayu yang akan membaca kritikan kami dan cuba memperbaiki mutu filem Melayu (nampaknya agak berjaya :p).
Why don't try taking risks? I love Yasmin Ahmad movies and P Ramlee movies.I admire your brother for taking a risk with his Evolusi KL drift. We need more of that to spice up our entertainment industry. So, take all these comments to construct your ability as a future film maker ok?
On the government side,I think they have union for film industry right? Try to fight for your rights. If tiket mahal, kami expect something more. If not, ended up no one wants to watch Malay movies.
Just my 2 cents. Good luck =)
my 2 cents: tiket wayang mesia if compared dgn mana2 negara pon murah if u cnvert their prices to RM. its called the exchange rate lah dude. the prices in their currency are just abt the same. at least in the states lah kn. like duhhhhh..
personally i thnk tadak psl dgn harga tiket. creative ppl shud b able to turn crap into diamond..so stop blaming other ppl n try working harder. gluck jugak!
sorri terkejam. final week pressure. pftt.. :p
btw. its teetos mls nk sign in
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