Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's not so crappy today. Alhamdulillah~


Thanks to friends who have cared whether I’m hurt or not. That means a lot to me.

Optimism doesn’t sucks today. I will stay by my principle and try to be as optimistic as I can.

The reason for second was I’ve just finished watching “The Freedom Writers” and it struck me right in my brain (both right and left) that my problems were too little to be frustrated for too long. And it marks my heart that I should do more goods to the world.

You should watch the movie if you feel you’re in a deep hole of darkness where you feel there’s no light (FYP? Final exams? Those are killing you? Oh. Grow up. Note to self). Plus, do watch if you are at least a little bit optimistic because pessimists are shadows covering the light.

It’s the last month of my university years. I should be happy. Do happy things. Cherish the idea of finally graduating (I should watch High School Musical perhaps. lol). Do crazy youthful things. Emancipation of self.

It all comes down to be positive. Yes, I’m expressive and my empathy is so strong sometimes it can stress me out. But, as Erin Gruwell said in the film, “I want my life to make sense to me”, that was exactly what I’m searching for. Let's hope for the best.


thaqifroslim said...

But, as Erin Gruwell said in the film, “I want my life to make sense to me”, that was exactly what I’m searching for.

"..Life makes more sense when it comes to ur family..."

There's nothing more refreshing than going back home, just to be in the presence of ur family, and just to spend time with them, fully knowing that, the only thing that they want from you, is just for you to be happy.

So stay cheerful, and be positive.

U'll become great if you hang out with a bunch of people who prefer to see you become successful.

So cr la org2 yg nk lihat kite berjaya (slalunye family aa)

(Terasa cm poyo plk..hehe )

Conclusionnye, sempat lg klw nk balik kejap during stdy week nih, jmpe family smer...Refreshkn diri.. Hehehe...Tp aku x blk la...x smpt aa this weekend.

thaqifroslim said...
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aween mokhtar said...

Oh.Thaqif. i agree 300% w u. family akan always support u, no matter how problematic u r. Thanks for making sense of that.

Maybe that's why kurang tenang. Da lame x balik rumah (by my standard :( ).

Takpela. Every success needs sacrifices. So aku kenela berkorban...I'm counting days.huhu~

Thanks =)

nadeetos said...

dah tgk mama mia? tats a youthful movie jugakk :p .. besttttttt..keke

cheer up cheer up occaysss? =)
wow rasa mcm cheerleader plak.. keke..

Shafiq Fhadly said...

haiyoo zainur. sian plak baca posts ko kebelakangan nih. aku pernah mengalami zaman ni satu masa dlu n aku let go je. ble aku baca aku dpt bygkn cane muke ko ble marah, i mean ble sedey ahahaha cute!

anyway, cheer up dear (xpnh aku panggil org dear)

aween mokhtar said...

teetos- da tgk mama mia! wee..mmg best and youthful:p.. cheerleader rox ;)

capiq - yeah. kne let go la kot. x ley sensitif sgt. But we just want to be appreciated je kan..And, cute? wee..hehehe...thanks too dear. keke. :p