New year resolution: turn up at classes..haha:p
But to mourn over something but yet you don’t change anything about the situation is the recipe to doom ness (I don’t know if this is grammatically acceptable. Duh). Changes are needed. Especially in attitude. I say this because from that one vital aspect, you craft your life and your future. For an example of great role model, please do watch ‘Pursuit for Happyness’. A man determined enough to make us teary eyed and boosted our spirit. It made us realized that we are still fortunate to live in this country, (Note: As a peace lover, I hope all of us will not support any racism or terrorism based activities. Just look at what happened to Benazir. It’s frightening to imagine such situations in my hometown. And to see innocent people get killed). One more thing before I end my notions after quite sometimes (due to some frustrations and disappointments in life, hence this post), every time you are facing difficulties in life, don’t say, “God, I have a BIG problem”, but do say, “Problem, I have a BIG God”. After all, failure and success comes from Him. Anyway, Happy New Year everyone. Hopefully we’ll be better next year.